A Guide to Selecting Cannabis Seeds About Cannabis Strains

About Cannabis Strains in General

There are thousands of cannabis strains to choose from. Some of them are relaxants, others are stimulants, some can enhance creativity and cerebral pursuits, whilst others still can cause the ultimate physical relaxation. The possibilities are endless, and too many to list. Many strains offer a sweet, fruity, even candyesque flavour, whilst others an earthy and floral taste and aroma. Then there are the extremely large-growing strains that can reach up to 3 metres in height, and ones that are small enough to grow in a closet.

To make choosing a cannabis strain an easier task, it is advisable to consider what you hope to experience in terms of everything from physical and/or psychological effect and feeling, mood enhancement, to your own individual preferences in terms of taste and smell. The following are some key factors to take into consideration before you start purchasing cannabis seeds.

Selection of cannabis seeds considering aroma, taste, or effect

Each strain of cannabis has a multitude of unique characteristics. It helps to have an open mind when you start your search. Aroma, effect and taste are the most important trio of things to take into consideration.


Taste is one of the most crucial factors to consider in any strain, and has arguably the most significant initial impact on how much enjoyment you will experience from a particular bud. Even if you like the effects elicited by a specific strain, if you do not enjoy the taste, the overall experience is unlikely to be particularly positive. Cannabis flowers are full of phytochemical ingredients, and specific molecules known as terpenes are responsible for the taste they give.


These aromatic hydrocarbons are found in many places in nature - they are responsible for the unique taste of citrus peels and various plants and spices. When buying seeds, it is good to pay especial attention to the specific terpene profile of each strain. If you like the peppery and salty taste, for instance, then look for a strain where beta-caryophyllene is present in large amounts.


Prefer fresh, earthy flavours? If so, then the terpenes pinene and myrcene are your friend. Many smokers prefer the sweeter and fruitier strains that are full of terpenes like limonene and/or linalool. By concentrating on these terpenes, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the taste of the strain.

After narrowing down your search in those areas, you can then define your needs more specifically. In addition to the fact that most strains have high levels of a given terpene, there are dozens of other taste molecules in each.


Whilst terpenes contribute to a variety of scents, it is a fact that scent and taste are different senses. In other words, the distinctive and pungent aroma of dried or fresh cannabis does not accurately determine its taste; this is because terpenes are volatile molecules. If we burn them, their structure will change. In addition, they interact differently with the nerves on both the tongue and in the nose.


Thus, it is equally important that you enjoy the scent of cannabis you produce. Not least because the growing space – be it tent or garden or indoor room - will quickly be filled with highly odorous terpenes during the flowering phase. Fortunately, technology is available for modern growers to help mitigate its effects.


Exhaust fans and carbon filters do a great job when it comes to removing terpene smells from the air, although some still get out. In addition to buying a strain based on aroma preference, you also need to consider its circumstances. Obviously, if you grow in your crop in the middle of nowhere or live in a legal country or state, you can choose the most fragrant buds, without having to worry about such factors as the environmental olfactory effects on your neighbours.


In contrast, those who grow in busy built-up areas or illegal regions, should try to choose less fragrant varieties. Fortunately, some strains have a much milder aroma.


As the third and equally crucial consideration in choice of strain (and for many smokers, this is the most important consideration) all cannabis users need to carefully consider which effects they desire – or specifically do not desire - before purchasing and growing seeds.


Just as each strain has distinct and different smells and tastes, their effects are different, too. Although most varieties produce large amounts of THC, CBD, or both, they are able to evoke vastly different moods, feelings and physical states. Cannabinoids underpin this, but terpenes contribute unique and powerful effects on their own, as well.


For example, myrcene has a terpene buffering effect typically associated with indica types. In contrast, limonene produces a brain and energizing high that is often attributed to sativa strains. The different chemical profiles of cannabis are suitable, therefore, for many different occasions.


Some are perfect for starting the day, whilst others are ideal for use just before bed, and still others help with social events.

Wake and Bake

If you start the day with cannabis, there are two possible outcomes: perfect or unlucky. What will result if you light it before you get up will depend entirely on the type you choose.


Some strains will have your head falling back on the pillow in relaxation, whilst others will encourage you to leap up, jump in the shower, turn on the coffee maker etc. Strains rich in energising and motivating terpenes, like Silver Haze, do an excellent job of boosting sensory sensitivity, giving the ultimate cerebral experience and catalysing the creation of creative thoughts.


Its 21% THC and citrus terpenes – like a plant “espresso” - can help start your mind first thing in the morning. Sour Diesel can do wonders when it comes to motivating the mind, just before breakfast. It causes a pure high so you get the urge to work without your senses spinning or your mind going into overdrive.


Just as there are cannabis types which can wake you up or put you to sleep, there are strains that can affect social life in a couple of ways. Some types can make you more introverted, while others can assist in being able to open up. Before heading out to your next social occasion, fill up with a bowl of Euphoria (Euforia) for a warm and gentle feeling that can help you connect with friends and strangers with ease.


This sociable strain contains equal amounts of THC and CBD. The former will put your mind in a talkative and bubbly state, whilst the CBD will keep all forms of nervousness away.


If you plan to spend time in artistic pursuits such as writing, painting or making music, cannabis can support or even enhance that creative process. Varieties such as Choco Haze are a good choice for this. This delicious variety uses 20% THC and has sugary and sweet terpenes to focus and motivate the mind, enhancing the state of creativity.

Relaxing effects

The right cannabis strains can have deeply relaxant and anxiolytic effects, with tranquilising and hypnotic properties, whilst the physical feelings from muscle relaxant effects can be tantamount to feeling the weight of the world slip from your shoulders.


Edibles can be a particularly excellent choice for this. Not only can they taste better than when smoking or vaping, but there is the culinary enjoyment of being creative in the kitchen. Strains such as Pineapple Kush - which come from the hybrid pairing of legendary Pineapple and OG Kush parent strains - can be superlative for this.

With its indica dominant profile and large amount of THC, it can really stimulate the appetite in a way you may never before have experienced.


If you still struggle to narrow down your list of requirements, or are eager to try lots of different ones, then consider buying a mixed bag of cannabis seeds. All major retailers sell them, and they can be an excellent and exciting option to expand your palette.

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