Buddha’s Tooth

Buddha’s Tooth

Strain Buddha’s Tooth

The buds of Buddha's Tooth are dense, a typical characteristic amongst Indica-dominant strains, and the buds are fairly large and have more of an elongated shape rather than a spherical one. They have a vibrant green colour, that has streaks of yellow. You will notice that it has quite a floral scent, with traces of citrus, lavender, and eucalyptus. These can definitely be tasted when you smoke Buddha's Tooth, and though they have a lovely scent, they can be a bit harsh on your lungs and sinuses. If you are a new smoker or prefer smoother hybrids, then you may be put off by this taste, but if not then you can fully enjoy this unique flavour.

Another typical Indica characteristic that you will find with Buddha's Tooth is that it takes a while before the effects take hold. You may have to wait up to 15 minutes before you start to feel tingles in your facial muscles, and then the mental effects will kick in. It will be perfect for social gatherings as you will want to talk and explore deep topics or make connections between unrelated concepts. If you are smoking alone, then you may want to put the mental stimulation to good use and let your creativity kick in with some musical or artistic endeavours. The euphoria that you will feel will wash away any negative thoughts or pains that you may be experiencing, and you will want to do something productive.

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