Cannabis Light – What is it and Why is it Popular?

Many have been surprised by the overwhelming popularity and success of CBD products. These so-called cannabis light variants, which often have THC levels well below 1%, simply do not have any mood-enhancing effects. However, they both smell and look the same as their traditional cannabis counterparts, and have a high CBD content, usually 10-20%.

In many places, CBD can be purchased at health and herbal stores, tobacco stores and on the internet. Surprisingly, perhaps, where CBD has been made available, a statistically significant decline in the use of prescription drugs available in pharmacies has been seen.

Like all living organisms, the human body is a very complex and precisely organised chemical system. Millions of cells are formed and broken down in our bodies every day. Each molecule has a role to play in maintaining and regulating our vital functions. One such regulatory role is played in our body by the endocannabinoid molecules that our bodies produce.

Recent research has shown that endocannabinoids affect the body's energy production, food intake, conversion of fats in the liver and fat storage cells, the breakdown of sugar in muscle cells, appetite, pain, general well-being, memory, for the sleep cycle and even for body temperature control. CBD products can contribute to the proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system, thereby affecting almost all functions of the body.

The positive effects of such products may include: anti-inflammatory effects, the alleviation of symptoms of many diseases, a potentially positive effect on the nervous system and immune system. It can help relieve pain and relieve stress. For many who are reluctant to use “traditional” cannabis, CBD and cannabis light-type variants are a safe alternative that they are happy to try.

Connections: Cannabis Light and the Decrease in Prescription Drug Use

Italy is one of the very first countries where cannabis light has attracted not only a great deal of interest, but where initial sales have reached enormous proportions. In December 2016, the Italian government passed a law which allowed buds to be sold, if they had a THC level under 0.6%. The essence of the law was to help farmers who produced and sold hemp. Inadvertently, it boosted sales of cannabis light as well. Thanks to the widespread availability in Italy of cannabis light in the last two to three years, researchers have had the opportunity to assess trends in prescription drugs in the region. Their results were also featured in the news of the mainstream press. Research has shown a significant reduction in the rate of substitution of some important prescription drugs. The full research from the University of York can be found here.

As a result of the new Italian laws around cannabis light, the rate of substitution of each prescription drug has been checked separately. Researchers note that the decline in the substitution of traditional pharmaceutical prescriptions began three months or so after cannabis light became available in the area

The biggest declines in prescriptions were seen in the categories listed below:

Anti-anxiety / anxiolytics medications: 11.5% decrease

Sedatives: 10% decline in prescriptions

Anti-psychotics: prescriptions fell by 4.9%.


The research team also demonstrated there were slight, but still significant reductions in the following prescriptions, as well:

Anti-epileptics: a drop of 1.5%

Antidepressants: a fall of 1.2%

Prescription-strength opioids: a decline of 1.2%

Migraine medications: a 1% reduction

Of particular interest in terms of how cannabis light’s introduction has had the greatest impact, is two prescription drug categories: anxiolytics and sedatives. Most CBD users would be unsurprised by this, and with vast amounts of anecdotal evidence, would have predicted that CBD would, indeed, provide great assistance in these areas.

In their conclusion, the researchers asked the pertinent question: how much of a saving, financially, could health care services make, if they found the courage to fund further research into cannabis light and regular cannabis, alongside already accepted traditional medicines...

Recent research coming out of the United States suggests that medical marijuana, and access and availability to it by patients, is important to health policy and results in visible savings in health care. The data support the hypothesis that if medical marijuana is available locally, it will result in a decrease in sales of prescription drugs that treat many ailments / symptoms that CBD is being shown to treat. However, these studies only looked at access to medical marijuana, and that also requires a medical prescription. Access to clinically unsupported marijuana has so far not been considered for pain relief as a self-medication practice. However, in terms of user behaviour, it can be quite risky to give up a well-established treatment in exchange for a non-clinically approved or supported product, especially for more serious or potentially life-threatening conditions such as acute major depression etc.

Sale of CBD Weed in Some European Supermarkets

CBD weed, also known as cannabis light, is a much loved and popular alternative to traditional tobacco in many parts of Europe. For example, pre-rolled cannabis light-type joints can be purchased at Lidl supermarkets in Switzerland. Some people who use cannabis light feel that it is helping their medical ailments, whilst also being a pleasant pastime. Others believe it is safer than tobacco. Some people use it to cut down their intake of traditional cigarettes, and in their experience, smoking (or vaping) cannabis light reduces their desire for tobacco for a number of hours at least. Indeed, there are cannabis users who have reported that they no longer want to get high due to their use of cannabis light, which means that it could be a useful tool for people who want to reduce their THC tolerance.

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